Monday, March 29, 2010

Wave or Die

That's right, acknowledge that there are other people in the world besides yourself or prepare to meet your maker.

With the knowledge I have gained from watching zombie movies I have developed a certain caution towards other bipeds that I encounter. Most of them shuffling (and driving) along in pursuit of some unseen goal, eyes straight ahead, brains shut off, going through the motions with no outward sign of human intelligence.

Basic manners usually dictate that when someone acknowledges your presence that you should somehow return the gesture. At least be alert enough to give a slight head nod or something.

The big question here is what to do about those people who don't respond. After you've smiled, waved, and said "Hi!" to someone on the street and they keep trudging along oblivious what do you do?

Easy answer. Destroy them. They are a zombie.

Don't let ethical dilemmas about taking human life bother you, they're already dead. Its a fact that once someone is infected and has become a zombie they are dead. You cannot revive the person that once resided in that flesh shell, it has become an ambulatory plague.

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