Tuesday, January 18, 2011


So I'm on drugs now, doesn't that sound like fun? Finally went to a shrink for pretty much the first time in my life. I'm pretty much convinced that I have the adult ADD. Anyone who has to be around me regularly would probably agree.

The shrink dwelled very heavily on the depression I'm currently in. Not to go into too many details, but my current depression FUCKING SUCKS but is caused almost entirely by external stimuli. If *** wasn't happening right now I'd probably be no more depressed than anyone else that is in between jobs. Thing is, I'm worried they'll ignore the ADD and I feel that it is partially the ADD that put me where I am right now.

So for the time being I'm on a low dose of Wellbutrin, which although it is an antidepressant is also used to treat ADD. Apparently they sometimes also prescribe an anti-anxiety drug alongside it for ADD but that may come later? Hell if I know. I have to go back Thursday for lab work and further something or other so they can make sure I'm not on cocaine or heroin or heartworm pills.